ViewBox Properties


The ViewBox Properties settings help size a ViewBox control or specify that the control belongs inside an existing container with a set size. The ViewBox properties property opens the ViewBox Builder which can be used to define the actual ViewBox control.


Specify the height of the ViewBox control. Use CSS syntax, e.g. 2in, 100px, etc. If the 'Fill container' property is checked, then this property is hidden.


Specify the width of the ViewBox control. Use CSS syntax, e.g. 2in, 100px, etc. If the 'Fill container' property is checked, then this property is hidden.

Fill container

This property applies only when the control is inside a Panel Card container. Should the control expand to the size of the container? The container can either be the PanelCard or a [Container] with a sub-type of 'None'. If using a Container control be sure to set the Container's height and width properties.

ViewBox properties

The ViewBox properties property opens the ViewBox Builder.

See also the ViewBox Control section of the documentation for guides about the ViewBox control.